Pumpkin Beers 2013:
Good, Bad, and Ugly #2
Nov 04, 2013

Read the previous reviews in part 1.

Jaw-Jacker, Arcadia Ales, Battle Creek, MI

ComputerNerd: You’re going to keep reading my reviews, and think that I’m some weenie who doesn’t like spice beers. I might even be a weenie, but not for that reason. I do like the spices in my beers, but in my doubles,Arcadia_Ales_Jaw-Jacker triples, winter warmers, and Christmas-ales. Thankfully, despite the excessive spices in this one, you can still taste the delectable pumpkin flavors.
Scientist: My new favorite! This beer has a robust pumpkin flavor with lots of spice without tons of sweetness. This ale is NOT for the faint of heart it packs a lot of flavor. Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Ginger and a little cardamom come through clearly with the squashy pumpkin flavor.

Weyerbacher Imperial Pumpkin, Weyerbacher Brewing Company, Easton Pennsylvania

ComputerNerd: This one brings the spice. Intense. That’s really the world of the day. The taste of the pumpkin is just not there, and cinnamon and clove are at theWeyerbacher_Imperial_Pumpkin_Ale forefront. Don’t read me the wrong way, this is a tasty beer, it’s just not a tasty pumpkin beer.
Scientist: I wish this beer had some pumpkin flavor. The spices completely cover up any pumpkin. Not what you expected me to say? Well I love pumpkin beers that bring the spice but only when they still have some of the squashy pumpkin taste left. Between all the alcohol and spices I just don’t get much pumpkin out of it. It’s delicious but I don’t really consider it a pumpkin in my book it’s a spice beer.

Warlock, Southern Tier Brewing Company, Lakewood, NY

ComputerNerd:Warlock is new on the scene this fall, and in my opinion, is a rather welcome addition to the Southern Tier family. It’s an imperial stout,Southern_Tier_Warlock with the obligatory coffee and chocolate notes, but the smoothness and creaminess leaves it with a mouth feel closer to cheesecake, rather than pie. Southern Tier recommends pairing with spicy BBQ or smoked foods, and I will echo that sentiment: it went beautifully with some late-season spare ribs that I had smoked a few weeks back.
Scientist: Also not quite my thing. Warlock tastes like Pumpkin cheesecake. I like it better than I like Pumpking… but it’s still just a little too sweet for me. You get less spice notes than in the Pumpking but you get a tang and a note of chocolate the Pumpking definitely does not have.

Read further reviews in the series in part 3 and part 4.

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Good, Bad, and Ugly #2

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