Pumpkin Beers 2013:
Good, Bad, and Ugly #1
Nov 02, 2013

Fall means three things here at ONK: football, pumpkin, and beer. In the epicurean fashion we love to mix interests which leads us to sample a myriad of pumpkin-inspired beers. Every year we both find ourselves in the hard position of deciding which pumpkin beers to try when picking out a six pack for football. I don’t want to say we try EVERY pumpkin beer but we try to not miss too many. Now, like any couple we have varied tastes, which is why each beer listed will have each of our comments because what I (ComputerNerd) like my wonderful wife (Scientist) does not necessarily enjoy.

What we’re looking for:

ComputerNerd: Pumpkin is a complex flavor. Earthy and sweet with a richness like being wrapped in a handmade quilt on one of those days that you… just… don’t… want… to… go… outside. I tend to like my pumpkin beers toward the sweeter end of the spectrum, with a spice profile coming in a solid second.
Scientist: My ideal pumpkin beer is not too sweet, with a healthy dose of spice. I want a robust amber color, not much head, and a decent amount of carbonation. I’m not picky about alcohol level but I do not want anything where the alcohol flavor overpowers the complex flavors of the beer.

Ichabod, New Holland Brewing Company, Holland, Michigan

ComputerNerd: Ichabod has been a solid beer, and it comes from one of my all-time favorite breweries. It has a spice profile as deep and sensuous as any Christmas-style ale, but for a fall, pumpkin beer, in this beer nerd’s opinion,New Holland Ichabod is overwhelming. The pumpkin just doesn’t come through. This year’s “vintage” disappoints, and compares poorly to previous years. Sadly, this represents a rather large step backward for this brew.
Scientist: Last year’s batch of Ichabod was one of my favorite beers all Autumn. I loved the subtle sweetness with a heavy dose of spice. This year I saw it first while on vacation and instantly picked up a case as I had yet to see it at home. Sadly, I still have the majority of it in my cabinet. This year’s batch was a disappointment. The color is lovely, it’s got great carbonation, and a wonderful spicy aroma. The taste just is not there; the spice is lighter. You can barely discern nutmeg, cinnamon, or ginger. There really isn’t much pumpkin flavor either. It just falls flat on the palate.

Pumpking, Southern Tier Brewing Company, Lakewood, NY

ComputerNerd: This is one of my favorite beers. Not one of my favorite pumpkin beers… but one of my favorite beers… PERIOD.Southern_Tier_Pumpking In this reviewer’s opinion, this beer balances the earthy sweetness of pumpkin with a spice profile that while present, doesn’t overwhelm. Take your grandma’s homemade pumpkin pie, and add it to the brewing process… liquid gold.
Scientist: Pumpking is not my thing. It never has been, nor will it ever be. It tastes like pumpkin pie and I don’t like pumpkin pie. If you like the taste of liquid pumpkin pie, this is your beer.

Read further reviews in the series in part 2, part 3, and part 4.

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Good, Bad, and Ugly #1

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