Orange Mustard Chicken
Dec 03, 2013

Tonight, we have a lot of errands at ONK. Post office, library, Target, etc. So I need something quick for dinner. After all the errands I do not want to keep ComputerNerd waiting for hours to have dinner, he gets cranky when he’s hungry. As I stand in front of the freezer looking through bag after bag of meat I find a package of chicken thighs and I have my meal.

Chicken thighs are a great meat. Sadly, they are under-utilized. The meat has a rich flavor, but is still lean. Unlike breast, which is so lean you have to marinate it to keep it moist, chicken thighs will pick up flavors from almost any sauce in which you choose to cook them. Nutritionally, there are a lots of benefits to eating chicken thighs. Dark meat is full of myoglobin, which is a great source of Iron. Also, dark meat is full of B vitamins, vitamin A, Phosphorus, Zinc and Selenium. Chicken thighs do have a higher fat content than the breast, however the fats are heart-healthy unsaturated fats that will also help you feel full, so you won’t be snacking later.

This recipe is great for the richer meat of thighs, as the richness of the chicken mutes the mustard a bit and brings out the sweetness of the oranges. The sauce is addictive. I always put an extra spoonful on or three on my potatoes and veggies. Everything is good with this sauce (OK, maybe not chocolate, but you get my point).

Orange Mustard Chicken

  • 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken thighs (you can use bone-in but they will need longer to cook)
  • 2 Tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 small onion, diced
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/2 cup Lager beer or white wine
  • 1 cup whole grain dijon mustard
  • 2/3 cup orange juice (fresh squeezed, about 1 large, or 2 small oranges)
  • 1 Tablespoon honey

In a large skillet, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the onions and garlic and sauté for 2 minutes. Add the chicken thighs and cook for about 3 minutes per side (just long enough to brown them and release some of their juices.) Deglaze your pan with the lager or white wine. Add your mustard, orange juice, and honey and stir well. Allow the chicken to simmer in the sauce for 5-10 minutes (until it is cooked through).

You can use regular Dijon mustard with this recipe, and it will still taste good, but the whole grain Dijon makes such a beautiful sauce. It will impress any guests you make it for. If you are looking to class it up a bit and give it a more complex flavor add a splash of bourbon when adding the ingredients for the sauce, it will add a nice smokey flavor.

Adult beverage pairings:
Beer: Leigenkugel’s Orange Shandy, a citrusy Witte, or a mild Amber
Wine: a dry Sauvignon Blanc
Cocktail: OYO Stone Fruit tangerine fizz

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