Happy Thanksgiving!
Nov 28, 2013

We here at ONK would like to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving, full of great turkey and the post-turkey tryptophan coma. We are especially thankful this year to be able to spend time spreading our love of cooking great food. On a day like today, where so many of us are swamped with turkey preparations, a hundred sides, and family, it can sometimes become easy to forget what today is about. As we prepare large meals for our families please take a moment to remember how lucky you are to have a roof overhead, food on the table, and to be surrounded by family (no matter how frustrating they can sometimes be).

For those of you who spend Thanksgiving in the kitchen, you make this holiday great for your families and you should be proud of that. It is an accomplishment. Make sure to take a minute for yourself to “just be” at some point throughout preparations. Burnout can happen and will drive even the most even-keel to their breaking point. Take a break to socialize, and have a cup of hot cocoa, mulled cider, or a whiskey (hey, whatever it takes!). Remember that no one will notice there are no celery sticks on the vegetable tray but you, just like no one will know you had to make 4 pie crusts for a single pie because the first attempts did not work out. Relax and celebrate. Hopefully our Thanksgiving 101 series has given you a few pointers to ease your stress over the holiday.

Today we would also like to give a bit of a PSA. Do not shop on Thanksgiving. If you are shopping, that means someone is working. Please support companies that recognize how hard their employees work during the holiday season and refuse to open on Thanksgiving. We look forward to seeing everyone after the holiday. We here at ONK will be back in the kitchen tomorrow, likely a few pounds heavier, ready to bring you more great recipes and time-saving ideas.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

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