Happy New Year
Dec 31, 2013

Well, we’ve made it to our first New Year’s Eve here at ONK. Though the site is still in it’s infancy, being barely two and a half months old, we’re excited about the direction it is taking, and the (currently) small, but dedicated readership. We resolve (I know… punny right?) in 2014 to continue to bring you the best ideas, recipes, strategies, and equipment recommendations from Our Nerdy Kitchen.

2013 Highlights:

  • 77 posts over 76 days!
  • Our Chorizo Nacho Dip was re-pinned 5 times and was our most popular post on Pinterest.
  • Scientist almost pulled off a cookie advent calendar falling one day short. There were many delicious cookies, and a few that were not so great, but it was fun photographing and writing up each recipe.
  • We survived hosting our first blended-family Thanksgiving!
  • ComputerNerd received some exciting Christmas presents this year, including a meat grinder and a meat slicer. Be on the lookout for upcoming posts on smoking and curing meats, as well as a series as we experiment with sausage making.

This year, like the year before, and the year before that, we will be making our celebrations for the New Year at home. We were able to lay our hands on some beautifully trimmed beef tenderloin, and we’ll be grilling up some steaks with foil packet roasted potatoes. If your plans have you leaving your home tonight, please be safe, and have a designated driver, or arrange for a ride home from a cab or livery service. We want to see you back here in 2014 to share in the exciting development as the site and community continue to grow.

Happy New Year!

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