Pumpkin Beers 2013:
Good, Bad, and Ugly #3
Nov 06, 2013

Read the previous reviews in part 1 and part 2.

St-Ambroise Citrouille, McAuslan Brewing, Quebec, Canada

ComputerNerd: Smell is an important part of taste. Unfortunately this beerSt_Ambroise_Pumpkin writes a check with its aroma that its taste just cannot cash. If it tasted as good as it smelled… this might be a different review. As it stands, I’m just going to st…
Scientist: This beer smells like a fresh baked pumpkin pie. Sadly it tastes like a burnt one. While I love the burnt tastes of browns, the malts of this beer really do a disservice to the pumpkin.

Post Road Pumpkin Ale, Brooklyn Brewery, Brooklyn, NY

ComputerNerd: This beer is a consistent winner, and this year’s “vintage” turns in a solid performance. A good balance of maltiness tempered with a rousing spice profile. A mediumBrooklyn_Post_Road_Pumpkin_Ale amount of carbonation leaves a smooth finish on the tongue.
Scientist: The Post Road this year is delicious. It has earthy subtly sweet pumpkin flavor with just a hint of spice. It’s a beautiful amber color and has a crisp feel on the tongue. It has a hint of hops which actually serve only to accentuate the other spices without overpowering the squash flavor.

Punkin Ale, Dogfish Head Brewery, Milton, DE

Dogfish_Head_Punkin_AleComputerNerd: I should just trust my instincts. I have not found a brew from Dogfish Head yet that I have enjoyed, and I should have known just to skip this one. Not as heavily hopped as some of their other creations, this beer is still beyond me.
Scientist: This beer was a disgrace to all pumpkin ales. Pumpkin beers do not need this many hops. It was bitter. The pumpkin flavor did not come through at all.

The Fear, Flying Dog Brewery, Frederick, MD

ComputerNerd: This is an imperial. ‘Nuff said. The color is beautiful, and it pours with a thick head, and a great aroma. Ok, I guessFlying_Dog_The_Fear I didn’t say enough… The strength of the alcohol flavor, while providing a warming sensation in the mouthfeel, overwhelms.
Scientist: This beer is a great imperial ale. However, what makes it a great imperial ale makes it a so-so imperial pumpkin ale. This beer has a great malty almost marzen-esque flavor, but the delicate pumpkin notes and the subtle level of spice get decimated by the alcohol flavor.

Read further reviews in the series in part 4.

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Good, Bad, and Ugly #3

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